PLEASE NOTE: We have the book available with and without the dust jacket. Please note that the dust jackets are shop worn and show some wear.
A magnificent book, loaded with rare illustrations, etchings, photos, drawings, playbills, posters, etc., and written in fine style by Dr. Dawes of Hull University in England.
This book on magic and magicians covers many subjects:
Introduction and acknowledgments
In the Beginning
The Learned Animals
Bags, Bubbles & Bottles
The Phenomena
The Conjuring Quacks
Laughing Gas
Phantasmagoric Professors
The Jewish Connexion
Wizards From the North
Science et la Prestidigitation
They also Conjured
Egypt and the Spinx
Maskelyne & Cooke
The Great Gun Trick
Sounds, Shadows, & Shackles
References & Notes
216 large sized pages, several hundred illustrations. Bound, dust jacketed, a great book for every magic library.